Annual Meeting

In accordance with our bylaws, our  Annual Meeting will be held on May 22nd – during our usual service time @ 9:45am.  Members are asked to come in person for the vote. If you are unable, or do not feel safe to come in person – you will be able to attend and vote via zoom or you can set up a proxy, who will be able to vote for you.

>> Please take a moment to confirm your attendance or assign a proxy here.

The Board will give a year in review report.

We will honor our members who have given so much of their time and talent to our fellowship throughout the past year.

We will present our vision for the upcoming service year and give information about the summer events.

Our treasurer, Kirk Barker,  will present our budget for 2022/23 for discussion and approval.

We will vote on the slate of At-Large-Representatives to the Board.

We will also be voting to add an 8th principal to our covenant:

“Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

In 2013, Paula Jones had worked in UU congregations for 15 years and realized that a person can believe they are being a good “UU” and following the 7 Principles without thinking about or dealing with racism. This is how the 8 th Principle was born. The 8 th Principle is supported by Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU) and Diverse Revolutionary UU Ministries (DRUUMM) and has been passed by more than 150 congregations.

Many people of color have been attracted by the values and potential of UUism, but their souls have been repeatedly wounded by its whiteness. Let’s make our actions match our values. Let’s be a UU movement that feeds them. That would be spiritual wholeness.

For what happens after passing the 8 th Principle read;

Looking forward to seeing you then!


Article V. Governance
3. Annual Meeting: The regular fellowship annual business meeting shall be held during  May each year at a date, time, and place designated by the board. This meeting must include,  in addition to all other business brought before it, the following:
a. The election to open positions of officers and at-large board members.  b. The review, revision as warranted, and approval of the budget for the coming  year.